Business Intelligence

The Challenge

Social media is a quite important topic these days and is taking on even greater significance. It involves social networks as well as other data sources. Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH (LTM) is responsible for the tourism, location and local business marketing of the city of Leipzig and the surrounding region. Social media offers an enormous economic potential for the company, since it can draw attention to the city as well as to the region in an easy and inexpensive manner and can also promote it touristically and economically. Through Social Media, LTM can reach many of its multipliers and target audiences. However, it is a challenge to keep all the channels continuously in view. The complete acquisition of the actual dissemination of their corporate content on the web as well as customer and user interests goes with a lot of effort. Furthermore, trends might be easily missed due to the fast-moving nature of social media.

Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
Customized Social Media Solutions to analyze all platforms of LTM GmbH

Overview of all corporate content on the web

The Solution

According to the company’s needs, individually adapted social media solutions from TIQ Solutions are now being applied at Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH. Our “TIQ Social Observer”, which is based on QlikView® and QVSource, is performing a social media monitoring and analytics, in which the Facebook and Twitter accounts as well as the company’s YouTube channel are being analyzed. In this way the latest information about own activities and respective user responses are ensured. Operational evaluations, such as “When are users active” or “Which are my top posts” are being available through this application. Long-term analyses, such as the development of actions and reactions over time, are also included. Thus, the opinion about the company as well as respective key issues are noticeable. TIQ Solutions guarantees a solution constantly based on the customer’s needs through regular joint workshops with LTM. With the use of “TIQ Social Observer” thematic analyses of these platforms will be carried out from now on. In addition to statistical analyses, the opinion on a specific topic is being collected and edited. “GAparazzo”, a solution developed by TIQ Solutions, was also implemented. This analysis tool monitors the blog of LTM. Due to “GAparazzo” it is possible to evaluate hits on the blog and to analyse visitor trends of the page in that way. Through an integration of it with “TIQ Social Observer” interactions of the users with other channels are also visible.

The Result

The social media analysis and monitoring with „TIQ Social Observer“ and „GAparazzo“ provides an integrated overall view of the performance of its channels to LTM. The information they obtain that way, can now be used optimally on a temporal and textual level. As a result, LTM can create evaluations for customers, partners and investors with little effort and respond purposefully to trends and developments. With these applications, the company can determine the needs of the target audiences and then review and adjust its marketing efforts. Thanks to regular monitoring of the social media activities on the internet, critical issues can be quickly identified and be handled appropriately to avoid crises. Because of these applications, LTM is capable to analyze and evaluate their activities. Objectives can be checked and the success of their actions can be measured.


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